what we do
Impact Connecticut partners with local churches to coordinate leader gatherings, coordinate 10 Days of Prayer each year, and support David’s Tent in DC.
Leader Gatherings
Impact CT works to encourage, coordinate regular regional gatherings for pastors and ministry leaders. These are opportunities for fellowship, encouragement, vision-casting and sharing best practices. Impact CT sponsors and hosts trainings, seminars and conferences for growth and learning.
David’s Tent
Over the last 7 years, David’s Tent DC has established a unified, national platform – on the national mall – for believers from every denomination and background to come together to worship Jesus. No protests, no political agendas, nothing but exalting King Jesus. And we want you to join us!
The vision is to “own” David’s Tent DC as a nation, with each state adopting a week to staff and worship at the tent. Connecticut’s week in 2024 is May 19-25th. Join us!
10 Days of Prayer
10 Days is a global prayer movement with a vision to see the church in a city/region unite to seek the Lord in worship, prayer and repentance during the “Ten Days of Awe” between the biblical Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement. Just as Passover and Pentecost have a New Covenant fulfillment, the fall feasts foreshadow the great end-times ingathering of the harvest and the Return of Christ.
Impact CT works with the 10 Days movement to encourage and coordinate expressions of the themes and united gatherings for the 10 Days of Prayer across Connecticut.